• Changes in serum inhibin b levels after orchiectomy and correlation with histopathological changes of testes in adult patients with unilateral undescended testis – Xhafa A, Irkilata H.C, Basal S, Kurt B , Tahmaz L, Dayanc M. 4th South Eastern Urology Meting, October, Tirana 2008 – Poster Presentation

  • Results of biofeedback treatment on reflux resolution rates in children with dysfunctional voiding and vesicoureteral reflux – Kibar Y, Ors O, Demir E, Irkilata H.C, Kalman S, Sakallioglu O, Xhafa A, Dayanc M. 4th South Eastern Urology Meting,17-18 October Tirana 2008 – Poster presentation

  • The voiding patterns of children with vesicoureteral reflux and urinary tract dysfunction – Ors A., Kibar Y., Irkilata H.C, Xhafa A, Dayanc M. 4th South Eastern Urology Meting, 17-18 October Tirana 2008 – Poster Presantation.

  • Effect of standard urotherapy and biofeedback therapy combination on residual urine volume in the children with dysfunctional voiding –Ors A, Irkilata H.C, Kibar Y, Xhafa A, Dayanc M. 4th South Eastern Urology Meting, 17-18 october Tirana 2008 -Poster Presantation.

  • Retrograde ureteroscopic holmium laser endopielothomy for seconder ureteropelvic junction stenosis after pieloplasty – Kilciler M, Tahmaz L, Izol V, Kilciler G, Xhafa A, Dayanc M. 21th national congress of the Turkish Association of Urology – Poster Presentation

  • Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy for localised prostate cancer. Ozgok Y, Kilciler M, Basal S, Istanbulluoglu O, Oral E, Xhafa A. 21th national congress of the Turkish Association of Urology, Video Presentation

  • Minimal invasive surgeries in American Hospital-Xhafa A, Workshop in general surgery and urology, 24 January 2013, Prishtina, Kosovo – Poster Presentation

  • Kirurgjia minimale invazive per kalkula trenale (Minimal invasive surgery for kidney stones) – Xhafa A, EAU Urological Week 28 September 2013, Albania. Speaker

  • Balkan Urology Session. Xhafa A, 5thuro-oncology Winter Congress, Skopje, Macedonia, February 2013 – Speaker Worshop for Urinary Incontinence in Children, Diagnosis and Treatment”-Xhafa A, 19 December 2014, Prishtina, Kosovo. Speaker The first cases of biofeedback therapy in Kosovo-, Xhafa A., Shaipi M, Dayanc M, EAU 10th South Eastern European Meeting – Poster Presentation

  • B, 34 th World Congress of Endourology and SWL, Cape Town, South Africa – Poster Presentation

  • The first cases of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PNL) in Albania and Kosovo- Xhafa A, Bimbashi B, Hodo A, Cara A, Perk H, 34th World Congress of Endourology and SWL , Cape Town, South Africa – Poster Presentation

  • Micro-PNL procedure to an 11 month boy with a distal ureter and kidney stone; Can Micro-PNL tools be used as a Pediatric ureterenoscope? – Dogan F, Xhafa A, Bimbashi B, 34th World Congress of Endourology and SWL, Cape Town, South Africa – Video Presentation Laparoscopy-Assisted Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Horseshoe Kidney – Dogan F, Xhafa A, Bimbashi B, 34th World Congress of Endourology and SWL, Cape Town, South Africa – Video Presentation

  • Laparoscopic Pieloplasty and Stone Extraction in a morbid Obese Patient – Dogan F, Xhafa A, Bimbashi B, 34th World Congress of Endourology and SWL, Cape Town, South Africa – Video Presentation

  • Excision of a giant seminal vesicle cyst associated with ipsilateral renal agenesis Zinner’sSendrom – Dogan F, Xhafa A, Bimbashi B, 34thWorld Congress of Endourology and SWL, Cape Town, South Africa–Video Presentation

  • The challenge of doing the first cases of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) in Kosovo, -, Xhafa A, 1st International Medical Congress in Albania – Poster presentation

  • Our experince in patients with postrenal obstruction and drainage with nephrostomies, -, Xhafa A, Shaipi M, Beqiri A, 1st International Medical Congress in Albania – Poster presentation

  • Cystic nephroma of the renal pelvis with proximal ureter extension – Xhafa A, Kurshumlija F, Shaipi M. 1st International Medical Congress in Albania – Poster Presentation

  • Our experience in minimal invasive surgery in Albania and Kosovo – Xhafa A, 26th World Video Urology and 24th National Congress of Turkish Urology Association, Izmir, Turkey – Speaker Our experience in patients with postrenal obstruction and drainage with Nephrostomies- – Xhafa A, Bimbashi

DR. AJET XHAFAKirurg Urolog
Dr. Ajet Xhafa është kirurg urolog me eksperiencë. Studimet i ka perfunduar në liceun ushtarak “Maltepe Askeri Lisesi”, në Izmir të Turqisë. Punon në “Spitali Amerikan” në Prishtinë.

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